The card of the World signifies fulfillment, the end of the journey, the final completion of the cycle of time. We have arrived and have accomplished our purpose. The Fool's journey is completed in the World, his wisdom and experience is now complete. The four beings representing the gospel writers of the New Testament appear again in the corners of this card and their presence here reminds us of the Wheel of Fortune. The World card is very much associated with the Wheel, the cyclical progression of time and our human experience. The dancing figure in the center of the wreath wears a purple robe signifying royalty and bliss. She rejoices with us in the completion of the journey and celebrates not only this completion but also the new beginnings it promises. The World is a card of self-knowledge, of joyous wisdom, and of freedom from the bondage of false attachments. The circle represents the culmination of a long journey, the enlightenment experienced by the seeker who has struggled for the Truth. Yet the circle also represents the ever turning Wheel of Life and we must remember even in our most satisfied, fulfilled times that the cycle will continue. Change will come again, and the Fool's journey will be started once more. Where are you in your journey as you encounter this card?